Friday, December 14, 2007

Day of the Locust

I love anything about old Hollywood, so I was really excited when I started reading "The Day of the Locust". However, excitement soon turned to boredom. I have respect for this writing style, I just can never get 'into' it.
The character that spoke to me the most in this book was Faye Greener. I'm not entirely sure why...I think it was her apparent sadness. I'm not the happiest of people, so I can always relate to distraught characters. Granted, she was a complete bitch. She wouldn't even give Tod a chance, simply because he lacked money and good lucks. In that way, I do not relate to her.
Out of the whole book, the only scene I really remember that well is the first one. The old men sitting outside talking. I think this stuck with me so much because they seemed to have lived their lives, they seemed done. I find that the most interesting place to be in, in life.

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